Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Location, location, location--Mac's Speed Shop

If you're like me and you want to post a pic to FaceBook, the site often asks for a location. Which is fine if you happen to be in the location you're posting from, like, say, a pub.

But rarely will your location choices be "Your Home" or "Your Son's Apartment." So the locator picks out nearby places, and you pick whichever one suits your the churches and synagogues near my house that often serve as my beer worship spots.

For nearly three weeks I've been in and around Cornelius, NC where my son lives, and the first place that pops up when I post something from his pad is a very nearby place called Mac's Speed Shop. Sounded like a cool name, so I went with it.

Then I went to it.

Be still my beating heart. The first thing I see as I pull into the lot is the unmistakeable front row parking only for motorcycles. Chalk up one point already. Then as I make my way in from the back lot, I have to navigate around some cornholers having a grand old time on the patio. (Just a side note; as a boomer--I do wish they'd call that game something else, like "Bean Bag Toss...)

Then I walk in and I read the small print under the word Mac's: Beer, Bikes and BBQ. Chalk up three more points.

Then I meet up with the manager--one Jeremiah Grindstaff--who shows me the beer list for which he alone is responsible. He says, "I drink more beer before 10 AM than most people drink all day, but somebody's got to know what they taste like." 

There are fifty-one rotating beers on tap, and more than 150 in bottles. And they are organized beautifully on the menu. You can check them out here. That list is worth at least six points, and there's your ten.

But add another point for some excellent Shrimp and Grits, washed down with a Left Hand 400 pound Monkey, and that makes it an eleven on the "Cool Pub" scale.

My family and I got seated immediately, but I'm told that's because it was a Tuesday night. The weekends are packed, and sometimes with celebrities.

There are five locations so far, with a new one coming soon, according to Manager Grindstaff, (who does no such thing, according to his servers). Congenial and very beer savvy, Jeremiah loves what he does and does it well at the Lake Norman location.

Beer, Bikes (with preferred parking) and BBQ, and the ability to enjoy a good cigar outside while watching cornholers, er, beanbaggers. What's not to like? 

It's The PubScout's kind of place.

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