Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Foaming at the Mouth

My pal Larry is a 2013 NJ State Champion Baseball Coach, so when the talk turns to baseball, I listen to him. Conversely, when it turns to beer, he usually listens to me. He sent me this news story because he knows The PubScout is committed to keeping my readers abreast of the latest in beer news.

I share it now.

Whether this is a good idea or not is for you to decide.

But I can think of  a few reasons why I wouldn't want this concoction on top of my beer. The first is that the colder a beer is, the less taste it has. (Hence those commercials for Silver Bullets.) The second is that while it may keep the top of your beer colder, your hand will warm up the sides. The third is that if you're nursing your beer so long that you need to put a cooler on top of it, you ain't drinking it right. People are also reporting that when they're thirsty, they need to poke a hole in the foam to get enough liquid to slake their thirsts.

And lastly, if you want a Carvel, get a Carvel.

But, to each his own. I'm just putting Larry on notice that Bob Sheppard did not drink his beer this way. And if the old ways were good enough for the Voice of the Yankees, they're good enough for me.


  1. An abomination in the eyes of god, man, and baseball fans. I wouldn't even wish this on a Yankee!

  2. An abomination in the eyes of god, man, and baseball fans. I wouldn't even wish this on a Yankee!
