Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cask Fest at Uno's!

Brewer Mike Sella, who makes a wicked O-fest and a Hefeweizen, announces a Cask Fest at Uno's Grill and Brewery on Rt. 1 South in Metuchen this Saturday, Sept. 13.

Here's the deal, in Mike's words:

"The fest is a pay as you go deal, no admission or anything like that, just pay for what you want to drink.  I'll have 8 casks, my IPA and Oktoberfest, Climax ESB, Troegs Hopback,  Weyerbacher Old Heathen, Chelsea English Pale Ale, and Liquid Gold and Smoked Porter from Capt. Lawrence.
Goes from noon until whenever.............."

Looks like I'll be wending my way there this Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Another event I won't be able to make.....covering the exciting Monroe/Colonia football game on Saturday. Have a beverage for me!
