
Good pubs, Good Beer, Good People

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Brewer's Apprentice: Making Beer a Social Event since 1998

Proprietor JoEllen
When I first wrote about The Brewer's Apprentice in Freehold--lo, almost eighteen years ago--the business was located in a different spot. You can read that story here.

And, apart from the location, not much has changed. Business is pretty good, according to JoEllen, "considering the many choices people have available today regarding where to spend their beer dollars."
Apparently, the fun of making it and bottling it yourself is still high on the list, especially if you do it with others. 

The PubScout Beer & Bikers Club is a FaceBook organization dedicated to, well, beer and bikes. Its mission statement reads:

The PBBC (PubScout Beers & Bikers Club) is an organization of friends who both ride motorcycles and who are responsible and mature enough to enjoy a beer during a stop, especially for lunch. 

This club DOES NOT encourage wanton drunkenness or excessive drinking while operating ANY motor vehicle, but it accepts the fact that responsible adults are perfectly capable of making responsible decisions about enjoying adult beverages--especially good beer--during a ride. 

Modern day Do-Gooders and Temperance Leaguers ... should not apply for admission to this exclusive club. If they do, however, we shall raise a pint to denying you admission at our next meet up.

The PBBC hard at work...

The Club just finished its second very successful Brew Session at the Brewer's Apprentice (taking advantage of an excellent Groupon Coupon) and though we got there by four-wheeled conveyances instead of two (you can't transport large amounts of beer in saddle bags), we had a great time. 

More importantly, we brought home ample supplies of some really great beer. Each recipe yields six cases of twelve 22 oz. bomber bottles for a total of seventy two bottles of the freshest beer you can buy. And better yet, YOU made it.

Na Zdravi!
You used the house ingredients--malt, hops, yeast and water. You used their equipment--kettles, grain bowls, grinders (if necessary) and scales. They package up your product and store it until it's fermented and ready for bottling. Then you come down with the bottles you either saved or purchased, sanitize them, fill them and cap them. 

Of course, the temptation to sample your product during this "arduous" process is very great, so don't be surprised if you're a bottle or three short--as we were. That kind of camaraderie is what adds to the fun, and occasionally allows you to make new friends by proudly sharing your beer with perfect strangers--who are just brewing their own.

Better than yard work...
It's an excellent way to socialize and get your own good, fresh beer in the process. 
Certainly better than raking leaves. But at least when you DO have to rake them, you have a reward waiting for you when you're done.

The PubScout